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PERC Decision COD |
Here is the PERC Decision for interim relief for the closing of the COD.
Thank you to all of those members who gave input and the information we utilized to make our arguements! It truly was a team effort.
Open Childcare for first responders! |
The Coalition of Custody Unions, NJLECOA, NJSOA, NJLESA, PBA 105, request the opening of child care for first responders. Staff can not report to work with the schools closed and child care facilities.
NJLECOA Legal Services and Scholarship Program are ACTIVE! |
The NJLECOA has posted the Legal Services and the Scholarship Application in the Important Links section. All the information you need is provided. The NJLECOA Executive Board has been working hard to get these programs drafted and completed for our members. The March 1st deadline for the 2018 Scholarship has been waived for this year only.
UnionActive Police
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President’s Message
by: Trevor Beatty
Welcome to the NJLECOA’s website and on-line newsletter. Our website will provide you with updated news, resources, upcoming Association events and pertinent developments concering the Association.
The old addage united we stand & divided we fall has never been more true and we must stay strong to ensure our rights are maintained and our voice is heard!
I would like to invite all members of the NJLECOA to join us for our monthly meetings to discuss topics of concern and share information with fellow union members. Our monthly meetings are held at Nook's Pour House the second Thursday of each month at 6 p.m.
Thank you for visiting our website.
Trevor Beatty
Page Last Updated: Aug 10, 2019 (06:23:06)
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